Accommodation Assessments

Dr. Marina Kaminetskaya specializes in neuropsychological assessments aimed at determining the specific accommodations necessary for students in educational and testing environments. These assessments are crucial for students with learning disabilities, particularly during standardized tests like the ACT/SAT, or for those seeking accommodations in college or for exams like the LSAT/MCAT. By leveling the playing field, accommodations ensure that students with disabilities can showcase their knowledge and skills on par with their non-disabled peers.

These evaluations delve into the student’s strengths and weaknesses across various domains using standardized measures. They encompass intellectual, cognitive, achievement, social-emotional, behavioral, regulatory, and adaptive functioning levels. The goal is to establish a baseline understanding and identify suitable interventions and evidence-based accommodations to address any cognitive, social-emotional, or regulatory challenges identified. Common disabilities addressed include learning disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, various medical conditions, physical disabilities, and psychiatric conditions.

Given the stringent legal requirements, these assessments typically involve more extensive testing compared to clinical evaluations.